C. Elizabeth Dougherty Consulting

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How ‘Before I #Die’ Walls Boost #Palliative #Care. #hpm @candychang

" 'In order to die well, we need to learn how to talk about it,' Chang said, speaking to members of AAHPMN and HPNA.

Palliative care offers those with serious illnesses—both short and long term—more options with a focus on improving the quality of life. Public support for palliative care and end-of-life planning with medical professionals has swelled in recent years, but talking about death and care for those with serious illness is still complicated and difficult.

What Chang accomplished in her project was open up the conversations that are difficult to have—both with doctors and family members—whether under the circumstances of a serious illness or not. The chalkboards provided an anonymous outlet to share ideas, memories, anxieties and aspirations that are emotional and complicated."