
#Childhood #Bereavement #Care Pyramid

"In the absence of a national approach to childhood bereavement care in Ireland, the pyramid is a guide  for professionals and concerned adults in identifying and responding to the needs of children and young people who have experienced a loss.

An expert group working in the area of childhood bereavement was convened to review the adult and child bereavement literature and pertinent policies (international and local), in order to establish existing models of bereavement care and core dimensions of best practice.  From this review and building on practice experience, a framework was created and piloted with medical, social work and educational professionals and parents".

Books for Kids (of All Ages) Coping With Anxiety.

"Working through your fears by reading other people’s experiences with them is free therapy that leaves you feeling less isolated. In addition to composite interviews on various topics, from bullying to performing poorly on a test to fleeing a war-torn country, the editor also provides extensive practical resources".